Waarom onze organisatie

1 van de marktleiders
Familiale sfeer in klein team, binnen grote internationale onderneming

Wij bieden

Vergoeding telefoonkosten
Vergoeding internetkosten

Over ons

EagleBurgmannΒ is one of the internationally leading companies for industrial sealing technology. Their products are used everywhere where safety and reliability are important: in the oil and gas industry, refining technology, the petrochemical, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, food processing, power, mining, pulp & paper, water and many more.

Every day, more than 6,000 employees in more than 60 subsidiaries contribute their ideas, solutions and commitment towards ensuring that customers all over the world can rely on their seals. Their modular TotalSealCare service underlines their strong customer orientation and offers tailor-made services for every application.

Onze waarden

Verantwoordelijkheid nemen

Hoe ziet je sollicitatieprocedure eruit?

Telefonische screening
korte kennismaking
Eerste interview
via teams, met bureau
Tweede interview
met Eagle Burgmann zelf (via teams of fysiek)
3de interview
MEt EAgle Burgmann zelf (via teams of fysiek, mogelijk met colleg uit Duitsland)