Wij bieden

Vergoeding telefoonkosten

Onze recruiter

Justine Wauters

Over ons

benerail is a spin-off from the Belgian and Dutch national railways, well established yet very ambitious. To help the railway industry become the most attractive environmentally-friendly and competitive means of transport, our strategy now focuses on expansion. Driven by our mission to facilitate a significant contribution to a better climate, we are building a scalable and sustainable organisation on a foundation comprised of autonomous and purpose-driven teams.

Onze waarden

- Colleagues and customers can rely on our attention and expertise - We are reliable in our actions, to each other and to our environment - We do what we say and say what we (will) do.
- The whole is greater than the sum of its parts - We want to understand what drives our colleagues and clients - Together, we connect organizations, systems, cities and people
- We take the initiative to try new things and we dare to fail - We dare to take risks and step outside our comfort zone - We are only bound by what is possible

Bij Benerail is de volgende vacature beschikbaar: